
  • Innovation as business opportunity for tourism;
  • The importance of the media for the entrepreneurial scenario;
  • Strategic alliances as agents to empower business;
  • How to create your Startup;
  • Hacker Culture concepts applied to business;
  • Deconstruct the national entrepreneurship;
  • It is all a matter of culture;
  • Entrepreneur in question;
  • University Entrepreneurship;
  • Government incentives in Startups;
  • Agile development methodology for business;
  • Entrepreneurship as agent for capital decentralization;
  • Business opportunities for Startups;
  • Digital Globalization opportunities;
  • Startups market opportunities for jornalists;
  • The secret of the national scenario of entrepreneurship;
  • Be prepared to be hacked. Your business will be the next victim;
  • Colaborative Progress;
  • Startups, The Innovative Culture;
  • Startups in company;
  • Global Startups, internationalize or die;
  • Sustainability in startups;
  • Strategic Technologies for National Security;
  • Entrepreneurship Latin America Panorama.


  • Canvas: materialize ideas;
  • Podio: Encourage Colaboration and Manage Projects in a effective way.

If you think the posted articles are relevant, or you have already being to my free talks and workshops organized, or want to participate in the next one’s, please, feel free to support the initiatives with the amount you can.
It is very easy to support. You only need to click in the button below “donate” with PagSeguro and choose a value. I count on your support so we can to do more activities that will strengthen the Entrepreneurial Ecosystem.

:: Send your comments! It is a pleasure to answer them.

If you think the posted articles are relevant, or you have already being to my free talks and workshops organized, or want to participate in the next one’s, please, feel free to support the initiatives with the amount you can.
It is very easy to support. You only need to click in the button below “donate” with PagSeguro and choose a value. I count on your support so we can to do more activities that will strengthen the Entrepreneurial Ecosystem.