Wagner Marcelo – Strong actuation in development of new businesses, funds raising for startups, new technology implementation consulting, projects management, software development and marketing strategy. IT project manager, acting on ORBITE – Brazilian Organization of Innovation Space Technology, INTELLECTA – Center for Advanced Study, Realide Tecnologia, WifiME e Everguard. Develop activities in two of the country most important private universities, working as startups group coordinator at PUCSP and colaborating at Mackenzie/FCI.
Creator of Startups Evolution, Virada Tecnológica and Trends Conference events, co-founder at Cultura Empreendedora (entrepreneurial culture school) and Made in Sampa (hub of entrepreneurs). Member of Investment and Innovation Committee and coordinator of the University and Industry committee both at FIESP (São Paulo Industry Federation). And since 2014, works together with Young Entrepreners Committee of CNTur (National Confederation of Tourism).
Takes part actively at the Parliamentary Front that Support Entrepreners at São Paulo Legislative Assembly and in 2015, took part as mentor of the municipal program that support startups of São Paulo (SPStars).